Blepharitis Treatment Warning


Some Blepharitis Treatments can cause cataracts and glocoma

Side Affects of Blepharitis Treatments

There are some blepharitis treatments offered that in the long term may be more dangerous than the complaint.

The Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine – Eye Clinic, University of Florence, Florence, Italy in a study of blepharitis treatments made the following observations:

“Blepharitis is one of the most common ocular surface pathologies and is recognized as one of the leading cause of patient referrals to ophthalmologists.

Nevertheless, at the moment there is no “institutional” consensus on the most effective treatment for blepharitis, probably due to its complex physiopathology, its various clinical presentations, and the frequent association with other ocular or systemic conditions”.

Currently, the blepharitis treatments mainly involve anti-inflammatory/antibiotic agents, eyelid hygiene, warm compresses, and artificial tears/lubricants.

I have an issue with the topical corticosteroids that are often used for the management of severe inflammation associated with blepharitis. While these blepharitis treatments offer patients rapid relief of symptoms they can also have some serious side effects.

Studies and experience have shown that the prolonged use of these anti inflamatory drugs can cause side-effects, such as IOP increase and cataract formation, they should only be used in short courses at the minimal dose.

They also stated that: “Given the frequent exacerbations and the severe chronic inflammation often occurring in blepharitis patients, and poorly managed treatment regimines of eyelid hygiene and artificial tears, the finding of new compounds that can exert anti-inflammatory activity without relevant side-effects is now considered more urgent.”

Finding so many articles and studies making similar observations to this that really drove me on to find answers and hopefully find a blepharitis treatment that does work without the potential risks.

I believe I have found such a remedy, however even if you choose not to try BlephroClear do be cautious if you are offered treatments involving cortiosteroids.

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